
1.         Bristles of apical whorls of middle cercal segments about half as long as                         corresponding segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Amphinemura nigritta

            Bristles at least three quarters length of the segment (Fig. Spring species,             mature larvae found from April to early July; larger bristles on femora and tibiae are             same color as leg or only slightly darker (Fig. . . . . . Amphinemura delosa


Amphinemura varshava  is reported for Ohio (DeWalt, et al., 2012) but is not described as the nymph.

One can examine male genitalia on mature nymphs to identify species

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Stoneflies of Ohio

Key to the Genera of Ohio Amphinemura Nymphs

(Modified from Hitchcock, 1974)