
Key to the Genera of Ohio Leuctridae Nymphs

(Modified from Steward and Stark, 2002; and Harper and Hynes, 1971)

Note: Suitable larval characters are available for only 7 of the known species in this family.

1.         Pronotum with tufts of 4-8 bristles on corners (Fig. 2.7.1); with or without posterior hair fringe on Ab            segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

           Pronotum without long marginal bristles on pronotum (there may be short ones along margin); no            posterior hair fringe on Ab segments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.        Ab terga and sterna with posterior hair fringe and numerous short surface hairs (Fig. 2.7.3); paraprocts with            pair of long apical bristles (Fig. 2.7.4); Ab 1-4 divided by ventrolateral membrane (Fig. 2.7.5); mesosternal Y-           arms with normal single stem (Fig. 2.7.6); body usually light brown with faint pattern (Fig. 2.7.7); scraper of            mandible pectinate; labial palps longer, reaching well beyond the tips of the paraglossae (Fig. 2.7.9); abdomen            covered, at least in part, with short and stout bristles (Fig. 2.7.10); subanal lobes baring many short and a            couple of long bristles (Fig. 2.7.11); Ab 1-4 separated by a pleural fold (Fig. 2.7.12) . . . . . . . . . . . Leuctra

           Ab terga and sterna without posterior hair fringe or short surface hairs (Fig. 2.7.13); scraper of mandible            bladelike, without distinct teeth (Fig. 2.7.14); paraprocts sometimes fringed with hairs but without a pair of            long apical bristles (Fig. 2.7.15); Ab 1-6 divided by ventrolateral membrane (Fig. 2.7.16); mesosternal Y-arms            with double stem (Fig. 2.7.17); body usually distinctly patterned (Fig.2.7.13); labial palps short, barely reaching            beyond the tips of the paraglossae (Fig. 2.7.14); abdomen glabrous except for a few inconspicuous            posterolateral hairs (Fig. 2.7.13); subanal lobes bare  (Fig. 27.15); abdominal segmented by a pleural fold            (Fig. 2.7.16). One species in this genus in Ohio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paraleuctra, Paraleuctra sara

3.          Middle and apical cercal segment posterior circlets similar in length; paraprocts fused basally; Ab 1-6                         divided by ventrolateral membrane; pronotum without long marginal of corner bristles . . . . Zealeuctra

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