Stoneflies of Lake Co.
(Modified from DeWalt, et al., 2012)
Most Recent Reports (for exact GPS location and collector, go to Family Atlas on main Atlas page)
Family Capniidae
Allocapnia granulata 03/15/1990; East Br. Chagrin R.; 01/27/2010; Grand R.; 04/ 05/1975; Paine Cr.; 03/15/1976; Mill Cr.
12/1976, Griswold Cr.
Allocapnia nivicola 01/20/1976; Paine Cr.; 02/23/1976; Mill Cr.; 03/26/1976; Trib. Big Cr.; 04/
Allocapnia pechuman 02/ 23/1976; 03/18/1978; Mill Cr.
Allocapnia rickeri 01/27/2007; Grand R.; 02/08/1976; Paine Cr.; 02/23/1976; Mill Cr.
Allocapnia vivipara 02/23/1976; Mill Cr.
Paracapnia angulata 03/23/1976; Aylworth Cr.Family Leuctridae
Leuctra ferruginea.06/30/2006; Lake Co., Penitentiary Glen; 06/10/ 1998, E. Br. Chagrin R.
Leuctra sibleyi 05/11/1977, Mill Cr.; 06/04/1976, Paine Cr.
Leuctra tenuis 06/30/2007, Penitentiary Glen; 07/20/1994, Big Cr.; 07/03/1976, Trib. Big Creek; 07/20/1976, Mill Cr.; 06/25/1976, Paine Cr.; 07/03/1976, Aylworth Cr.; 07/30/1976, Griswold Cr.; 07/30/1976, Trib Grand R.
Paraleuctra sara 03/23/1976, Aylworth Cr.
Family Nemouridae
Amphinemura delosa 01/01/1977, Penitentiary Glen; 05/029/1976, Paine Creek; 07/03/1976, Trib. Big Creek;
Amphinemura nigritta 05/03/1977, Paine Cr.
Soyedina vallicularia 01/01/1977, Penitentiary Glen Res.
Family Taeniopterygidae
Taeniopteryx maura 03/27/1977, Trib. Big Creek
Taeniopteryx metequi 03/23/1976,Mill Cr.
Taeniopteryx parvula 03/08/1976, Paine Cr.Family Chloroperlidae
Alloperla chloris 01/01/1977, Penitentiary Glen Res.; 05/28/1976, Paine Cr.; 07/03/1977, Mill Cr.; 07/12/1976, Aylworth Cr.
Alloperla imbecillai 05/11/1977, Mill Cr.; 06/05/1976, Paine Cr.; 07/03/1976; Aylworth Cr.
Alloperla neglecta: 05/31/1975, Paine Cr.; Rare, only one report for Ohio; may have been
Alloperla concolor (not reported for Ohio) (Grubbs, et al., 2013)
Alloperla usa): 05/31/1975, Paine Cr.
Haploperla brevis 05/11/1977, Mill Cr.; 07/03/1977, Aylworth Cr.
Sweltsa hoffmani 06/30/2007, Penitentiary Glen; 05/28/1976, Mill Cr.; 06/04/1976, Paine Cr.; 07/03/1977, Aylworth Cr.
Family Perlidae
Acroneuria abnormis 06/26/2006, Grand R.; 01/01/1977, Penitentiary Glen Res.
Acroneuria carolinensis 01/01/1977, Penitentiary Glen Res.; 06/04/1976, Paine Cr.
Acroneuria filicis 07/05/1977, Grand R.
Acroneuria frisoni 06/13/1977, Grand R.
Acroneuria internata 06/26/2006, Grand R.
Acroneuria lycorias 01/01/1977, Penitentiary Glen Res
Eccoptura xanthenes 05/11/1978, Pierson's Cr.
Perlesta ephelida 06/22/1999, Paine Cr.
Perlesta lagoi 06/10/1998, Chagrin R.
Perlesta shubuta: see Perlesta ephelida
Perlinella ephyre 07/08/1977, Grand R.
Neoperla catharae 08/11/1999, Big Cr.07/03/1976, Aylworth Cr.
Neoperla clymene 07/29/1976, Grand R.; 06/20/1976, Pain Cr.;
Neoperla coosa 06/26/2006, Grand R.
Neoperla robisoni 07/03/999, Paine Cr.
Neoperla stewartii 06/26/2006, Grand R.; 06/22/1999, Paine Cr.
Agnetina capitata 07/29/1976, Grand R.
Agnetina flavescens 06/26/2006, Grand R.Family Perlodidae
Clioperla clio: 06/29//2010; Crooked Cr.
Isoperla montana 05/11/1977, Mill Cr.; 06/25/1976, Paine Cr.; 01/01/1977, Penitentiary Glen Res.
Cultus decisus: 04/23/2015; Pearsons Cr.
Cultus verticalis: Not listed in DeWalt, et al. (2012) nor Stewart & Stark (2009) for Ohio. Grubbs et al. (2013) mentions that C. verticalis (Banks) /decicus/decicus(Walker) has been rarely collected in Ohio, but is restricted to the northeastern drainages.
Diploperla robusta: 04/23/1989, Trib. Chagrin R.
Family Pteronarcyidae
Pteronarcys cf. biloba: 05/11/1978; Pierson’s Cr.